Thursday, January 8, 2009

My New Best Friend

I cant tell you how much I love my new bike! Chea gave it to me, and when I first saw it I was a little reluctant on whether or not I would actually ride it...It mustard yellow, with a picnic basket on the front, it looks just like something from the 70's. But as soon as I got on that baby and gave it a whirl, I couldn't get off. There's something empowering about riding the ugliest, ok maybe not the ugliest, but the most unique bike on campus. First of all Im higher than everyone, literally, I can zoom past those walking, Im sure they feel sad they cant get anywhere as fast as I can, and I really do enjoy all this new attention. I find myself trying to find reasons to ride it, I asked my roomates today if they needed anything from Wal-Mart because I would ride down there and pick them up groceries, Cant you just see my basket being of good use in that situation?! Its just like a car, but better... you get a workout! I now consider myself a runner and a biker!


Channy said...

it suits you!! I want a giant 3 wheel bike with baskets on the front and back!

Danni said...

Jackie I love your bike. Its not ugly!

Unknown said...

I'm too strong for that bike. chea said

Unknown said...

oh and this is taylor by the way not bill...

Jackie Lyn said...

you might as well call yourself creeper man with all the fake computer names you have