Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Was it this hard for everyone?

Ugh, college is super exhausting. I mean that with every part of me. Everyday is go, go, go. Sometimes I feel like I dont have what it takes to keep up. Which is odd because I am not the type to back down from a challenge...I usually take pride in struggling and triumphing. Not today though. The triumph is taking a little longer than I anticipated...I would classify me right now at somewhat of a 'stand still'. So as I was talking with Missy tonight (my other favorite roomate) I was brought to the question, Did everyone have to struggle like crazy in college? I seriously feel like sometimes, its just me. So, since I know my sisters are the only ones who read this, I want to hear some of your college stories, so I dont feel so irrational. Blog about one of them, or just comment...or you can call me:) Love you all!


{Frances} said...

hey i read your blog too! and yes college is majorly stressful. I only went to one real semester but during that time i was working full time, going to school full time and tryin to plan a wedding :) keep it up your doin great!

Channy said...

College is stressful!! But think of it this way...there will probably never be another time in your life that is all about you. You go to school for you, you work for you, you play for you, you cry for you. When you get married it is no longer about you. Males innately think it is always about them. You support them through school, job, church, cook, clean and then there are children. Not that this is bad but PLEASE try to look on the Bright Side!!! This is ALL about you!! No one is depending on you to survive, suceed be happy, look good but YOU!! These years are a gift and you would do well to enjoy them. They don't come back.

wendy said...

You will only appreciate it more if you keep going, keep struggling through it and don't give up on yourself. They (not real sure who they is but I do agree with them) say that you appreciate something more when you work for it yourself and it is not given to you. We are all so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too! said...

You are doing great, Jackie. I wish I had the self esteem you have when I was in college. You are always trying to do better and that is such a good motivator. Yes, you are lucky too, to have sisters who are always trying to look out for you.

Chea said...

Yes its hard. As Aunt Candy says. Hard is Good. I Know some who once died from hard.

We are so proud of you. Its way better than being bored.:)

Rose said...

Well I don't know about anyone else but college was easy. i don't know what your prob is but suck it up and figure it out:)

Rachel said...

hey Jackie! my sister was telling me about your blog so i decided to check it out! i'm not gonna has only gotten harder each year. as you get out of the general classes and into more classes geared towards your major at least it becomes hard AND fun instead of just hard. there are times that I feel like I'm going to have a mental breakdown, but make sure to take time off for yourself and to do the things that make you happy! it's important!!

aj&brittney said...

It's over rated.

Mariley Johnson said...

I am a reader too.
College is hard, but so is everything else. Keep up the good work.