Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I made rice, eggs, and salmon!

Ok well thats pretty much all I wanted to say...Its kinda a big deal for me, the salmon was super mushy for the longest time but I left it in the oven patiently for about 20 minutes, and then VIOLA! I had a beautiful, and might I add elegant meal. The rice was a bit crunchy, but thats beseides the point, it was the first time I ever tried making it...You know I just might go to cooking school!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Was it this hard for everyone?

Ugh, college is super exhausting. I mean that with every part of me. Everyday is go, go, go. Sometimes I feel like I dont have what it takes to keep up. Which is odd because I am not the type to back down from a challenge...I usually take pride in struggling and triumphing. Not today though. The triumph is taking a little longer than I anticipated...I would classify me right now at somewhat of a 'stand still'. So as I was talking with Missy tonight (my other favorite roomate) I was brought to the question, Did everyone have to struggle like crazy in college? I seriously feel like sometimes, its just me. So, since I know my sisters are the only ones who read this, I want to hear some of your college stories, so I dont feel so irrational. Blog about one of them, or just comment...or you can call me:) Love you all!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Favorite Roomate!

You know how people do 'tributes' to others on blogs, usually for their birthdays and what not. Well I want to do a tribute/recognize someone, but there is really no reason, other than the sheer fact that I am gratful for this person. Danni, my roomate. She is the most concieted girl of the house. I have never met anyone as vain as danni (well next to myself)...Ok I am kidding, if anything Danni is the complete opposite of that, she is a super humble girl. With little guile, She is so sincere, I admire that about her. For example, Danni is not a very loud out going person, but when we do go to social gatherings, she is the first to always say hello to someone new, and ask someone how they are doing. And I can do that too, but Danni sincerely cares about the people she is talking to, she isnt doing it to be 'fluffy' or superficial. Another admirable quality of Danni is that she is so content with who she is. She doesnt ever feel the need to change who she is based on what people think of her. That is so re freshing ...I am trying to learn from her how to be ok with yourself, and not change for others, but yourself. I want to thank her for listening to me, and never judging me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Take an opportunity when it presents itself, dangit!

This past weekend was London's Run, and the past couple of years I have ran both the 10 k and the half marathon. And the plan this year was to do the same, but as it turned out when I picked up my bib it said '2 mile'. I was a little bummed and a little relieved by this typo. I payed the amount for the half marathon, but fact of the matter I wasn't trained to run 13 miles. So I settled for the 2 mile. All in all, it was a fun experience, I 'ran' it with little Taryn. But as I watched Pierce cross the finish line and not me after he had successfully ran for about 2 hours, I wanted to crumble. I was so upset with myself, even though I wasn't trained, I had stopped running for about a month and a half, I knew I could do it. I am a runner. But i let the negatives take over and I lost out on an amazing opportunity to push myself. So me being me, later on that day I went out for a 10 mile run to make up for it, hoping in some way to compensate for the experience that I gave up earlier...But truth be told it wasn't the same. Its great and all to know that I can push my body to those limits, but it wasn't London's Run. So today I am left with extremely blistered and achy feet, and left without the satisfaction of doing what I set out to do long ago. There is a scene from My Best Friends Wedding, where Julia Roberts is on a boat with her best friend and is given the opportunity to tell this man that she is in love with him once and for all, but as she keeps her feelings in, they pass under a bridge, and it symbolically marks that the moment has past and that she had waited too long to do what her heart told her to do. And I know that is an extreme example but it is almost exactly how I felt yesterday when I was on the sidelines as the gun went off for the half marathoners. The moment had passed. And as I am aware that there is always next year, I am in a new perspective now that I should take opportunities as they come, not to run away because of self doubt...And with that said I have another story. Today I was talking with a good friend of mine, and he casually mentioned that a mutual friend of ours thought I was cute etc. And I have always thought this guy was cute too, but I am the type who would never do something. Well this friend of ours just moved away last week... and now I kick myself for being so passive and doubtful. There is a microcosm of life to be learned from this, although I wish I would've stepped forward and been more aggressive and taken action, I am grateful to know what regret feels like so that I don't make it a habit.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My New Best Friend

I cant tell you how much I love my new bike! Chea gave it to me, and when I first saw it I was a little reluctant on whether or not I would actually ride it...It mustard yellow, with a picnic basket on the front, it looks just like something from the 70's. But as soon as I got on that baby and gave it a whirl, I couldn't get off. There's something empowering about riding the ugliest, ok maybe not the ugliest, but the most unique bike on campus. First of all Im higher than everyone, literally, I can zoom past those walking, Im sure they feel sad they cant get anywhere as fast as I can, and I really do enjoy all this new attention. I find myself trying to find reasons to ride it, I asked my roomates today if they needed anything from Wal-Mart because I would ride down there and pick them up groceries, Cant you just see my basket being of good use in that situation?! Its just like a car, but better... you get a workout! I now consider myself a runner and a biker!